Name Tag Labels
Hello! My name is... has preprinted name labels for all your occasions. Choose from our stock preprinted labels or we will custom print your design with your company information right on them. Name badge labels use a special water based adhesive that will not harm fabrics, although it is not recommended to be used on silk, leather or suede.
- CONVENTIONS - Create custom name badges for your next hosted convention. Color code name badges so attendees and merchants know who is who.
- SCHOOLS - Vistor pass labels can be used in schools are corporations to let employees know when a visitor is present.
- CORPORATE OUTINGS - Use name badges for your next corporate get-together and never worry about forgetting a co-workers name.
- MEET AND GREET - Name labels are an easy and inexpensive way for everyone to remember new acquaintances.
- CONFERENCES - No matter how big or how small a conference is, name badge labels let others know who you are and where you work.

Request Name Tag Labels Samples Here
Visit the Custom Printed Labels Section for sizes and pricing.